Coins FTJ - Top 20 Audio Links
These messages roughly follow the “Coin for the Journey” (Gold or Green & Blue Coin and Outline). These messages helped me develop a Christian Walk. Follow the order as I think these are the fast track to spiritual growth.
1. Dr. Haddon Robinson
“Who is Jesus?” – This message was given in the 1970’s to a group of NFL players, Dr. Robinson walks his listeners through this question as he considers 3 Key Witness/Testimonial Groups, each were influential in their own right. He concludes with a clear call for your personal decision.
2. Philip DeCourcy
“Back from the Dead” – This message has and Alfred Hitchcock opening and then takes you to John 11 where Mary and Martha find themselves in an "impossible" situation and then closes with a very clear presentation of the gospel.
3. Dr. Ron Jenson
“Practicing the Presence of God” and “7 Steps to Personal Peace” – These are classic Ron Jenson messages with the guiding acrostic, “P.R.E.S.E.N.C.E.” and “7 Steps to Personal Peace” were both taught to me in the late 1970’s and have been used in my life on a regular basis.
The first message was based on the booklet that Brother Lawrence, a Carmelite Monk/ lay friar, wrote in 1666 and its truths still ring clear today. I asked him to give these messages a few years ago so I could record them as digital files.
Coins FTJ - More Audio Links By Speaker
Adrian Rogers
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Bill Bright
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Philip DeCourcy
"Its Time to be Protestant Again (Part A & B)" – These are 2 messages that make a clear historical and theological basis for the growth of Christianity post reformation.